These emergences are the result of the debate hold on the Applied-ethology network.
Click here for the text of the discussion.

Debate on the Applied-ethology network [].
Compilation by Dr Joël Dehasse (dvm) - Brussels - -

A pathology is any deviation from an animal population common pattern of behaviour.
The word "pathology" is not the counterpart of the word "normalcy"
Not normal may be better described as strange, peculiar, or rare.
A normal behaviour occurs when an animal's environment matches that for which it is genetically programmed, other behaviours are abnormal.
Is normal behaviour positive or negative (anthropomorphic interpretation and emotional value) ?
There may be a confusion between "normal" and "common" behaviour.
Aberrant behaviour can tell us much about the suitability of the environment.
Normal behaviour can be predicted with reasonable certainty within a given population. Pathological behaviour can often be the origin of normal behaviour.
The animal is attempting to cope. It's attempts may be appropriate, inappropriate, successful or unsuccessful, it may suffer or become sick, have reduced reproductive potential, ...
Normal is any behaviour that isn't the result of a disease.
Normalcy is not a term that applies to behaviour. Behaviours are appropriate or inappropriate.
Normal is the reverse of abnormal. Pathological is the reverse of physiological.
The concept of normality/abnormality could be explained in terms of statistics, or in ethical terms (good or wrong), or in social norms.
A physiological behaviour is adapted to the present situation (trying to cope, search for another equilibrium).
A behaviour that is not adapted, induce pathology, or worsen welfare, is pathological.
A behaviour is pathological if it arises below the range of statistical or social normality.
Normal behaviour may be the naturally selected rules of response as a basis for the animal's decisions.
Animals can be flexible in their responses, but only up to a point.
A normal behaviour is physiological, adaptive, and allows the system to come back to homeostasis. A pathological behaviour has lost its adaptive function, and is not able to lead the system to come back to homeostasis. The system may be seen as an individual animal, a family/pack/..., a species, ...